Tony Robbins got it right when he said contribution is so fulfilling. It has been said by him and others that there are many successful businessmen out there who have everything and are still unhappy. Being successful and having all the money you need can still lead to a feeling of something being missing. Contribution is the answer!

I know from my own personal experience, giving back is very rewarding.

In October 2017, Laura, a 20 year old daughter of a friend of mine, started volunteering. She had wanted to volunteer since she was 8 years old and I made it happen. With my support, she created a group of like-minded people who flew to South Africa and build a ‘House of Hope’ for two brothers who’s parents had died and their house made of mud had crumbled.

Following her experience, Laura learnt:

  • How to inspire others to her way of thinking and her project
  • How to create events and other opportunities for people to sponsor her project
  • How to guide her team to success
  • How to manage stress and ask for help to deal with the inevitable hurdles thrown in her path
  • How to deal with logistical issues to co-ordinate, book and pay for flights for a group of volunteers to arrive all at once
  • About a different culture in another continent
  • To play with orphan children and help with their homework
  • To work as a team, under supervision and build a house that will last
  • To live with new and known members of the group for two weeks in harmony
  • To be part of a food drop team to support other families in the community
  • To bask in the success and handover to the brothers the completed house
  • To return to normal life knowing she made a difference
Furthermore, our overall wellbeing is improved when we receive pleasure from giving back. Being happy creates endorphins in our bodies. These endorphins enhance the immune system, which helps our bodies to naturally repair itself.

So you can see, giving back can actually change your life!